Could You Have TOO MUCH Estrogen?

We all know that estrogen is a very important hormone, especially for women. But what happens when factors like stress, chemical overload, and excess weight cause estrogen production to get out of control?

Early signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance can include weight gain around the hips and midsection, frequent headaches, memory troubles, insomnia, and depression. If left unchecked, this condition can lead to ovarian cysts, breast cysts, and some cancers.

How can estrogen dominance be prevented or even reversed? The main causes of this condition are certain chemicals found on or in food, and overproduction by the body. Chemicals used to process foods contain substances that mimic estrogen, and when consumed will drive up the estrogen levels in the body. In fact, some foods themselves can raise levels, including those sprayed with certain pesticides, so organic fruits and veggies are preferable when possible. Studies have also shown that soy is a big culprit, and can drive up estrogen levels. When possible avoid soy foods like tofu and soy milk, and opt for almond or raw milk instead.

In the grocery store, a good rule of thumb is to shop mainly around the outer wall and aisles. These sections contain mainly whole foods, while center aisles hold extremely processed and chemical laden items with diminished nutritional value.

Our own bodies can also produce too much of this hormone. Stress and diet are major factors. In addition to the ovaries, estrogen is also produced by the adrenal glands and fat cells. The fact that estrogen is produced by fat cells is a vicious cycle in itself! Elevated estrogen will cause production of fat cells, and the production of more fat cells means production of more estrogen. How to combat this? Diet.

The Vitamin B complex (note that this is NATURAL vitamin B complex, NOT SYNTHETIC vitamin B) can actually help break down estrogen INSIDE your body! Another food group that will do this are cruciferous vegetables. This includes kale, spinach, broccoli, mustard greens, collard greens, and cauliflower.

Simply by opting for organic fruits and vegetables (especially cruciferous veggies), taking a high quality natural B vitamin, and avoiding processed foods, we can lower estrogen levels in the body and improve overall health. 

Bethany Goodhart